About Founder
Kristina Twitty
Kristina formed Decision Care Advocates out of her passion for helping families facing unexpected illness and complex treatment options at all ages and stages of life - whether due to an accident or old age.
Following the loss of close loved ones in 2019, Kristina recognized the need for having informed problem-solving support when faced with making medical decisions, especially on behalf of one's family members. As friends began struggling with infertility, she became more involved in conversations about reproductive technologies and the ethics of options to grow families.
Thanks to an early beginning with 4-H in Tennessee and Georgia, leadership and public speaking became a regular part of Kristina life, helping her develop a skill that continues to serve her in this work. It was through the program, she developed necessary skills for research, organization. communication and follow through. From developing and facilitating classes on bioethics, founding and leading her church "Life Team" and presenting on bioethics issues for conferences, Kristina has continued to put her skills to work personally and professionally, helping to provide tools and resources on a wide variety of topics.
Kristina's background in public policy and nonprofit advocacy, began in 1996. After becoming more aware of bioethics issues during the 2006 cloning debate in Missouri, while on staff with a congressional office, she began pursuing masters level studies and in 2008 graduated from Covenant Theological Seminary (CTS) with her degree in Biblical and Theological Studies, with an emphasis in bioethics. For over ten years, she has worked in the field of ethics and public policy. In May of 2020, she graduated with her Masters in Bioethics from Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois.
Her "connector" personality expand with each state she works and lives in. She currently makes her home in the south east with her rescued boxer, adopted as a "foster fail" in Atlanta in January of 2017.

Scheduling information and pricing for
Kristina to present to your civic organization,
discussion group. church or conference is available.
Email: Contact@decisioncareadvocates.com
Call: 770-765-6327.